The first fully medicinal strain from FastBuds. As the name suggests, it contains up to 20% CBD and less than 1% THC, making this strain legal in most countries around the world, even in those where any other cannabis is prohibited. Thanks to its composition, CBD Auto 20:1 effectively addresses a wide range of pains and disorders, while its low tetrahydrocannabinol content makes it an ideal choice for those who haven't used cannabis before but need to start for medical reasons. If smoking and smoke are unpleasant for you, CBD Auto 20:1 can serve as an excellent material for making oils or cooking with medical marijuana.
This strain is excellent for combating anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and inflammation. The absence of psychoactive effects allows you to use it while driving or at work, and it serves as a great alternative for those who cannot consume regular cannabis, such as older adults. After all, why take extra pills when there's a natural substitute? It grows actively and quickly, reaching a height of 70-90 centimeters in just 8-9 weeks after germination (under an 18/6 light schedule).
CBD Auto 20:1 requires good nutrition, especially towards the end of the flowering stage. Its flavor is sweet and gentle, with notes of fruit and honey.
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На личном опыте могу сказать, что данный сорт отлично справляется с ХОБЛ, болями и судорогами, при этом очень легок в выращивании, растет в принципе как любая трава, совсем не прихотливая, пахнет но не сильно, опьяняющего эффекта практически нет никакого, только расслабленность, в общем обязательно возьму еще!
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